Flax buns (that happen to be Low carb and gluten-free)

Intrigued by the writings of Peter Attia on well-formulated ketogenic diets for cycling performance, not to mention the collective works of Dr. Stephen Phinney and Dr. Jeff Volek, I decided it was time at last to give low carb a try.

A few days into a low carb experiment I was browsing the cavemanketo website for some dinner ideas and came across this incredible flax bun recipe.  I want to emphasize that you do NOT need to be on a gluten-free or ketogenic diet to thoroughly enjoy these flax buns!  Here’s how they looked as a breakfast sandwich:

Low carb flax bun breakfast sandwich

Low carb flax bun breakfast sandwich

They turned out great, but I wanted to modify the recipe a bit.  After several attempts, here’s my final recipe:


  • ¾ cup Flax Meal
  • ¼ cup coconut flour
  • 1.5 tsp Baking Powder
  • Pinch of Salt
  • ½ Cup Water
  • 2 Tbsp melted Coconut Oil or Butter
  • 2 Large Eggs


  1. Combine dry ingredients, then add eggs/oil/water and mix
  2. Portion onto pan, using 4” baking ring to form perfect circles
  3. Bake for 18 minutes at 350 degrees
  4. Let cool on wire rack

Makes 8, or enough for 4 sandwiches/burgers.

Portion onto your pan and press into 4" cooking ring

Portion onto your pan and press into 4″ cooking ring for a consistent shape

Some added coconut flour holds some more moisture into the buns and allows them to hold their form better given that I don’t have those muffin top pans that cavemanketo uses.

Prep time is minimal.  With a bit of practice you should have everything ready by the time your oven has preheated.  I baked mine for about 18min, but you can throw the broiler on towards the end if you want yours to brown a bit more than those shown above.

Need to get rid of some leftover turkey from Thanksgiving?  Flax bun turkey burgers of course!

Turkey burgers

Turkey burgers

Here’s the 3rd batch as a burger, slightly more toasted this time:

Flax bun burgers!

Flax bun burgers!

They are gluten-free of course, and if you’re looking for a low carb recipe these will fit that bill as well.  Here are the approximate numbers for 1 serving (2 halves), if you’re into that:

Fat    19.3g
Protein      9g
Net Carbs     1.7g
